Saturday, December 14, 2013

The progress of my academic paper

I have to admit that I have not written a lot so far but I have collected a lot of useful sources and also made an outline of how I am going to structure my academic paper. I have to say that these steps have been easier than I had imagined. I was a little bit afraid that I would not find useful information for my topic or, more precisely, my concern was that there would not be academic sources that are suitable for my topic. I was really relieved, when I realized that there is actually exactly that information on the internet that I needed. One problem that I came across while looking for sources was that I did not find any academic sources for my chapter regarding Denmark and its relationship to the euro. By now, I have found some sources that could be useful for me but I am still looking for better options. So in case you come across an academic paper or something similar on this topic, I would be really thankful if you let me know (:  Regarding the structure of my paper, I enjoyed making an outline and planning how my paper should be organized. I am confident that my plan will help me a lot when I turn my bits and pieces of information into well written paragraphs. I am looking forward to doing this and hope that the choice of language won’t be too much of a challenge.